for 80mm flanged

Universal bearing complete without wedge system
Universal bearing complete without wedge system
(DE - int. shipments may differ)
Universal bearing complete with wedge system
Universal bearing complete with wedge system
Universal bearing complete with spring system
Universal bearing complete with spring system
Stock complete "Hüppe-Baumann"
(DE - int. shipments may differ)
Roller combination "Krülland" without...
Roller combination "Krülland" without...
Roller combination "Krülland" with...
Roller combination "Krülland" with...
Complete bearing for EHAGE 8/12
(DE - int. shipments may differ)
Bearing completely without working position...
Bearing completely "Turnils"
Bearing completely "Turnils"
Bearing completely "Turnils"
Bearing completely "Turnils"
(DE - int. shipments may differ)
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